Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How To Combine Your College Life With Business Aspirations

young girl school study

You’re young, talented, and bursting with ideas. There’s just one problem: you’re also at college, and like all good college students, that’s taking up a lot of your time. However, while it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to match the success of some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, that doesn’t mean you have to put all of your aspirations on hold until your college career is completed. You just need to know a few tips and tricks.

Below, we take a look at a few ways in which you can get the ball rolling with your ideas, even when you have your head in the books most of the day.

Plan Your Time.

It’s a misconception that college life is busy. It’s not; compared to the working world, it’s actually a pretty leisurely time. You can find the time to dedicate one or two hours to your business each day, but only if you plan your time correctly. Something will have to give! It’ll be your afternoon nap, your socialising, or some of your favorite Netflix shows. Put them all in the bin, and you’ll find that you have a lot of time to get things done.

Use Your College Resources.

Walk into an office, and you’ll find stacks of supplies, printers, computers, and everything also a company needs to do its job well. You’re unlikely to have space for all of these in your dorm room, but you do have access to them, because you attend college! Your institution will have pens, printers, computers, and just about everything else you need, and you’ll be able to use all of them your business needs. You’re already paying a lot of money for tuition; you may as well make the most of it!

Don’t Pay Full Price.

Of course, there are some things that your college won’t be able to help you with. For example, they’re not going to give you a smartphone, or a tablet, or all the other pieces of technology you need to stay connected in the business world. Because you’re a student, you won’t have the money to spend full price on everything; so make the most of discount codes. You can use a Verizon Wireless promo code to buy a tablet, for instance, and receive a big discount off the usual price. Things never have to be as expensive as you think, if you know where to look.

Collaborate with Other Students.

If money is tight, then you can forget about hiring extra help, for now at least. However, you will have a pool of thousands of talented people right around you: your fellow students! Ask around, and see if anyone wants to get involved in your project. You might grow a talented team, just with people around you.

Get Expert Advice.

Finally, don’t forget to pick the brains of your professors. They’ll have access to knowledge you couldn’t possibly know and may impart some advice that will prove invaluable later on down the line.

from Young Upstarts http://ift.tt/2D7zX2O via website design phoenix

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