Monday, March 6, 2017

Increase Your Sales With A Powerful Content Marketing Strategy


The notion that “content is king” isn’t a new one. It also isn’t any less true than it was Bill Gates coined the phrase back in 1996. Effective branding hinges on delivering good content and that means every kind of content.

A good content marketing strategy is built upon a foundation that includes not just some of the following elements, but all of them to one degree or another. How does your content strategy measure up against these crucial criteria?

It starts with well-crafted copy…

From the standpoint of the search engines, the words you use in your content matter more than anything. Of course, as the metrics (and the ways of compiling them) become more sophisticated, we start seeing how important other types of content really are. The bottom line, though, is that the best content strategies are built around the copy. Your visual message should conform to your written message, not the other way around.

Never discount the importance of perpetuating an environment of constantly fresh, new content. Blogging, articles, and other types of sales and marketing copy are the easiest and most economical sources of that fresh content.

Want to make sure what you’re putting out there is good enough to impress the search engines? Consider professional copywriting or proofreading services like They rank among the best paper writing services out there. They can deliver a variety of copy and also edit your existing copy to give you the most authoritative voice possible on your website.

It’s backed up with engaging visuals…

All of your visuals should be sized for good SEO and reinforce the message in your copy. They also need to be true to your branding strategy. If there is incongruity between your branding and the visuals you use on your website, social channels, and promotional materials, your entire content marketing strategy could fall flat before you ever get it off the ground.

Custom visuals are the best safeguard against sending mixed messages in your content. Yes, it will cost more to create visuals than it would to go with stock images and video, but the expense is definitely worth it.

The difference can be most vividly observed on social media. As people scroll through their feeds, they need to have some way of recognizing your content. Custom graphics are the best and fastest way to build brand recognition on sites like Facebook and Twitter.

All of this applies to both still images and video. There should be ample room in your budget to cover both and you should be liberal about delivering visual content on social media.

It’s sustained through consistency and reachability…

People in this day and age have the need to not just develop a liking for your brand, but also a relationship with it. What that means is delivering content that is relevant to how the product or service makes them feel. The notion that you sell the sizzle not the steak is also neither new nor obsolete. You can have the best widget in the world or you can have a mediocre knockoff widget with fewer features. The one people are going to buy is the one to which they feel the closest.

So how do you develop that kind of brand relationship? You get there by being a visible entity with your customers and leads. That means you’re doing several things:

#1 – You’re posting regularly and in real time on social media
#2 – You’re answering questions
#3 – You’re dealing appropriately with negative comments
#4 – You’re in their inboxes at regular intervals
#5 – You’re always visible and accessible

Get this part right and you’ll perform circles around most of even your fiercest competitors.

It becomes successful with persistence.

On a final note, the best advice we can give you is to split test everything, track your results, and don’t be afraid to make changes where the need is obvious. Remember that it’s the market, not you, who ultimately decides what your most successful moves will be so take your cues from your audience and realize that good content marketing is a perpetual work in progress.

from Young Upstarts via website design phoenix

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