Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Four Ways To Go Beyond Info Gathering And Build Real Rapport With Your Prospects 

by Brian Signorelli, author of “Inbound Selling: How to Change the Way You Sell to Match How People Buy

If you’ve been a salesperson for a while, there’s a good chance you swear by the “BANT” approach. Asking questions around Budget, Authority, Needs, and Timeline has long been the framework for qualifying prospects. But BANT alone isn’t enough to make the sale anymore.

These days buyers are more informed and empowered than they’ve ever been before. They don’t need qualifying — in fact, they’ve probably already qualified themselves.

This means you can’t just go into ‘data managing mode’ and expect it to drive a sale forward. You can’t just tick off the questions on a checklist and assume you’re done. Your job is to help your prospect achieve their goals. Today, that often means digging deeper and going beyond BANT — sometimes far beyond it.

The old, outbound approach to sales — aggressive, intrusive, product/company-centric — is becoming obsolete in a world where people can seek out solutions without the help of a sales rep. (In fact, 60 percent of sales are made without a salesperson involved.) These days the most successful salespeople sell the inbound way — meaning they engage all potential customers in a human-centric and empathetic way, focus on their pain points first, and gain the buyer’s trust over time by demonstrating concrete value through insight.

In my book Inbound Selling: How to Change the Way You Sell to Match How People Buy, I laid out a framework that helps salespeople take specific actions as their prospective buyers move through their journey from Awareness to Consideration to Decision. There I guide readers through the four categories of actions salespeople must take before moving on to negotiating and closing: Identify, Connect, Explore, and Advise.

The ‘Explore’ phase — more specifically, the Exploratory call — is where the ‘digging’ happens. It’s where rapport is truly built. It’s where trust codifies. It’s where you learn exactly what ‘current state’ your prospect is in and where you help them understand how to get to their future, desired state.

Here are some tips to help you get beyond BANT and make the most of the Exploratory phase of your sales process:

Always dig for the truth behind “surface” answers.

A great salesperson realizes that asking a question will simply get you an answer, not necessarily the truth. So a highly skilled salesperson will not just take information they’re given at face value. They will dig deeper, to understand the truth behind what is being said.

For example, if a great rep hears that their prospect’s sales goal is $5 million in revenue, they will start asking questions such as, How did you arrive at that goal? Is that a goal that’s a nice-to-have number or a need-to-have number? Who was involved in coming up with that goal? What’s the upside (or downside) to missing, meeting, or exceeding that goal?

Get in the right frame of mind.

When you’re speaking with a prospect, you should treat them very similarly to a good friend starting a business. You would likely express deep interest and ask follow-up questions to understand the true nature of what was going on. You would ask about other people your friend works with, what they’re like, how they drive (or don’t drive) decisions forward.

If all this is true, why then do sales reps tend to shy away from these more ‘personal’ questions when engaging with prospects? My hypothesis is that either sales reps don’t feel comfortable asking these questions or they simply don’t know how to ask these questions. But it’s crucial to get comfortable enough to ask the questions that will ultimately help you discover what they really need.

Get to know the GPCTCI Framework.

While inbound selling incorporates the BANT approach, they also use a framework called “GPCTCI”: Goals, Plans, Challenges, Timeline, Consequences, and Implications. This framework helps salespeople understand what the prospects’ current world looks like, what their future world looks like, what’s standing in their way to get to the future state, their level of desire to fix those challenges, and how urgent it truly is to fix those problems.

There are several different categories of questions you might be asking someone during the Explore phase of the inbound sales process. But be sure you don’t just drag and drop them into your own calls. Customize them and make them better.

Business (and sometimes personal) goals 
What’s at the top of the priority list for the rest of this year?
How did those things make it to the top of the list?
How do those priorities relate back to revenue (or cost reduction, risk reductions, efficiency, etc.)?
Would you say that those goals are nice to have or need to have?

Plans to achieve your goals or overcome challenges
How long have you been working on that goal?
Have you tried to achieve this goal or overcome this challenge in the past?
What is your plan now to achieve the goals we discussed?
Who else is working on it? How much time do you think they’ll need to effectively work on these goals with you?

Challenges inhibiting you from achieving goals
How long have you been working on this goal?
Why do you think it has been challenging to get there?
Do you think you’ll need to change your approach to get to your goals?
What do you anticipate being easy, or difficult, as you make that adjustment?

Timeline to start working toward, as well as achieve, stated goals
What’s your timeline to achieve these goals?
How did you come up with that timeline?
If it took you an additional month, three months, six months, to get there, is that okay?
Why is delaying okay, or not?

Consequences and implications if goals are exceeded or missed 
If you exceed these goals by, say, 20 percent, what happens? Dream out loud with me.
If you miss these goals by, say, 20 percent, what happens? Scenario-plan out loud with me.

Follow your Exploratory call with a recap letter.

A recap letter achieves three things. First, it is a great way to fully digest and understand the conversation you had with your prospect. Second, it’s a chance to delight your prospect by making them feel like they have been heard after addressing the goals and challenges they are facing. Finally, it’s a chance to ask insightful follow-up questions. You’ll be helping yourself, but you’re also helping your prospect think more about the issues they shared with you, and you’re driving the conversation forward by raising questions to cover in your next phone call together.

It pays off to take the extra 30 to 60 minutes required to recap your conversation. It will pay off. But remember not to make your follow-up letters sound scripted. Instead, focus on expressing genuine curiosity about your prospect and their situation.

The data you collect from BANT is a good starting point, but it’s not sufficient to drive your sales forward in an inbound world. But when you treat your prospect like a friend and dig deeper into their needs and goals, you will delight them with real solutions and show them that they are more than just a sale.


Author of “Inbound Selling: How to Change the Way You Sell to Match How People Buy” Brian Signorelli is the director of HubSpot’s Global Sales Partner Program, where he advises HubSpot partners on inbound sales and inbound marketing to grow their clients’ companies, as well as their own. He regularly writes, develops, and presents sales content for HubSpot’s partners and their customers. He is also the founder of InboundSeller.com.


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[Interview] Garrett Wright: Lead Crowdfunding Strategist At InventureX

What happens when you dedicate your time and energy into perfecting the best crowdfunding efforts for your business? You get passionate people like Garrett Wright who has been utilizing his talents to help InventureX succeed in the industry.

An expert marketer, author and success coach, Wright brings his experience and understanding to develop launches that make a big difference for his clients. Wright graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science from the California State University, Northridge. Ever since, he’s focused his attention to providing outstanding advice and knowledge to other entrepreneurs so they can put their plans into action.

As one of the top crowdfunding experts in the business, Wright has provided InventureX with crucial insight into branding and business strategy. And that’s quite helpful, seeing how the company has high expectations when it comes to product launches.

InventureX, a digital marketing and crowdfunding company, has seen great strides since it opened its doors in 2012. Overall, the company has launched more than 350 campaigns and entrepreneurial dreams into reality. With his keen awareness for consumer psychology, Wright can pinpoint exactly which products will meet the finish line. And in doing so, he delivers outstanding results for his clients.

In his spare time, he enjoys staying active, writing and coaching other entrepreneurs in navigating their trek to success. And as many know, getting to that last step is only the beginning of the rest of their career. Which is why Wright finds it so important to share these tips with them in the first place.

What’s the best thing about your job?

[Wright] I think I’ve been in a unique position for a long time now, and I’m really glad I am. It means that in my job I have the opportunity to influence and encourage entrepreneurs on many different levels. Not many roles can boast the same thing.

But I am empowered when I see my clients feeling inspired and empowered themselves! It puts things in perspective for me. We pride ourselves on being that company that entrepreneurs turn to. And we’re excited to see how others agree too! Building strong connections with them is important to us and we don’t anticipate that to change.

I know how hard my clients work, even if we (InventureX) are doing a lot of the campaigning for them. It’s still their ideas. It’s still their dreams. In the end, it’s about getting to know them, their product or products and then seeing our collaboration come to fruition. That’s what’s so fantastic about what I do, and I would never trade that.

What was a hard lesson you had to learn early in your career?

[Wright] Yikes! I always feel like this question has the potential to make people sweat because we always think about all the things that went wrong before. I guess for me it was that I had to learn how to “start over” in a sense. I had to unlearn things I had been taught through schooling and the like, so that was tough for me.

I mean, it obviously benefited me regardless because I learned how to stay resilient and become an expert in my field. But coming from a Computer Science background did prove to still assist me in crowdfunding in its own way.

What excites you about the future of InventureX?

[Wright] We have a lot of things queued up. Some are definitely still in development, whereas some are well under way. I’m excited to see how we continue to grow and how many more clients we get to help as the years pass.

What’s great about crowdfunding, and why this industry was exactly up my alley, is because it’s so fast-paced. Not only that, it branches into so many aspects of business. There’s the digital marketing and PR side of things and then so much more!

And not that it’s really a future thing anymore, but we finally began our own quest to  speak on podcasts. Mark Campbell, our VP of Marketing, recently did a really fantastic podcast with Gadget Flow! It was something we had wanted to start putting into motion and now it’s finally here. And we expect to continue doing more, talking about how to perfect your crowdfunding efforts and so on.

Do you have a life motto that motivates you?

[Wright] I definitely do have a few that tend to be my go-tos when I need a little pick me up. Or when I’m looking for a little inspiration. And I never used to like those quotes you see everywhere. But when they come from amazing industry leaders or someone like that, I tend to gravitate towards what they’re saying.

If I had to choose one that’s been just a nice reminder for me, it’s been this one:

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston S. Churchill.

That quote meant a lot to me the first time I saw it, and I keep that one on my mind a lot. It holds quite a bit of truth to it, and it always seems to push me when I’m needing it the most.

If you could provide entrepreneurs with one piece of wisdom, what would that be?

[Wright] Because I coach entrepreneurs from all walks of life all the time, I see patterns emerge a lot. And it’s interesting because it’s hard for me to figure out where the disconnect is that leads them to make some missteps. But, it’s all a part of the learning process so that’s just how it goes sometimes.

More often than not, however, I will see young and old minds alike forget to really lay out a plan for what they want their business to achieve. It’s so important to focus on what your business’ vision looks like. What is your company’s message? What do you want the message to be? Why is your product important?

Do you have a rough timeline in place for each phase of your business? The list of questions to ask yourself goes on and on. But many people aren’t thinking about these things and it can really mess up everything. I’m lucky to have the ability to talk people about this and help them establish a solid base to stand on.

If you’re interested in learning more about Garrett Wright and Inventure X, follow them on social media!

Garrett Wright on LinkedIn
InventureX on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn


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Why HR Is The Foundation For A Successful Business

Human resource management is a huge part of the success within a business because of the important role it plays in organisation and stability. Whether it’s hiring the best individual, creating the perfect working environment or collaboration with employees and improving their skills – HR are always there to build a bright future for the company.

Specialising in different techniques that produce a happy workforce, we’ve put together some of the main reason HR is the foundation for a successful business.

They build corporate culture.

The HR team are the ones who build corporate culture. It’s important they create a good impression from day one so that new employees know what to expect. This culture needs to be engaging and positive in order to retain the best employees in the business.

Human resources are the most important department in your business when it comes to maintaining and developing good relationships within different organisations and ensuring that your business’s values are upheld.

Helping employees.

HR managers provide support for employees in many different regions such as, offering help if they feel their rights have been violated, providing them with the correct information regarding their job role and settling disputes between employees or management and employees.

Human resource managers have many responsibilities when it comes to employees. This is why performance management of all employees is a key aspect of a positive outcome. Doing all of the above helps towards that and makes sure everyone is happy and receiving the correct treatment.

Performance improvement.

Another responsibility of the HR department is to help towards developing the performance management systems. Without having HR specialists in your team there is no one to put together a plan that will measure employee performance and people may end up in jobs that their skills and expertise are not suitable for. This can then lead to employee dissatisfaction and a drop in performance levels. In the worst case scenario, this then requires a change in employee – and further recruitment.

Organising and framing the structure of the business.

Using many different solutions for HR, human resources play a very important role in assigning employees their positions, tasks, responsibilities and accountabilities. They provide everyone with the perfect working environment by enhancing their abilities and creativity, making it a lot easier for them to perform better and work more efficiently at every given moment.

They seek out all the aspects to ensure that the business is stable and the future will always be bright. Never compromising on the company’s policies and making sure that everyone is performing to their fullest potential in order to keep progressing.

Controlling the budget.

HR put together different ways of managing costs to help curb the excessive spending within the business and help save some money. This can be done in the form of finding better rates for employee benefits such a healthcare. Many businesses, especially smaller ones, have strict budgets that they must stick to, so this part of HR is particularly helpful.

Improving company morale, developing ways to ensure high performance and resolve conflicts amongst employees – this just proves how important HR is for a business.


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How Do Your Benefits Compare To The World’s Highest-Rated Consulting Agencies?

by Jennifer Durrant, publisher of Sourced Media Books

In this competitive job market, some companies turn to generous benefits packages as a way to attract and retain valued employees. And, in many cases, it’s doing the job. In a recent survey of 2,000 U.S. workers, 88 percent of those surveyed would consider accepting a lower paying job with a generous benefits package over a high paying job that lacked things like vacation leave or a robust health benefits package.

Based on this survey, the most desired benefit is health insurance. “After health insurance, employees place the highest value on benefits that are relatively low-cost to employers, such as flexible hours, more paid vacation time, and work-from-home options,” says Kerry Jones, whose company, Fractl, conducted the survey. “Furthermore, we found that certain benefits can win over some job seekers faced with higher-paying offers that come with fewer additional advantages.”

But not all offers are alike. We compared seven of the industry’s highest-rated consulting agencies on Glassdoor to see how each company ranked in health insurance, flexible hours, PTO, vacation, and sick leave packages.

Health insurance.

All seven companies researched offer a comprehensive health insurance package offering coverage for medical, vision, dental, and prescription. In addition, two companies offer medical flex plans and HSA programs. Simplus will match HSA contributions up to $1,000 for family and $500 for single plans. PwC does not match HSA contributions, but it does offer a $5,000 flex plan.

Flexible hours.

In terms of offering flexible shifts, compressed hours, telecommuting, or a remote option, all seven companies offer flexibility based on the department. It’s interesting to note that it’s not just the policy that influences flexibility. Rather, it’s the work culture. For example, one Glassdoor reviewer said that employees who utilized the work from home option with his former employer were frowned upon by management for not contributing more to the workplace. So, along with offering flexibility, the company that most encourages innovative work arrangements within the work culture is Simplus.

Simplus: Flexible shifts, work from home option.

Deloitte: Workplace flexibility.

PwC: Flexible shifts and work from home options are based on department.

EY: Flexible shifts and work from home options are based on department

KPMG: Flexible shifts and work from home options are based on department

McKinsey & Company: Flexible shifts and work from home options are based on department

Boston Consulting Group: Flexible shifts and work from home options are based on department

Professional Development Reimbursement.

Although not considered a traditional part of work flexibility, offering compensation for personal and professional goals is worth mentioning since all seven companies have policies that support and enable employees to expand their skill set.

Deloitte: Pays 40 percent of salary for employee sabbatical for professional or personal development.

Simplus: Full reimbursement of costs associated with Salesforce certifications. Pay increase upon completion.

PwC: Partial-to-full reimbursement for professional certifications.

EY: Up-front reimbursement of one certification review course and exam. Offers bonus for certification.

Boston Consulting Group: After five years with firm, offers eight weeks of paid sabbatical time.

KPMG: Pays 20 percent of base pay for three months for personal development and sabbatical endeavors.

McKinsey & Company: Five to ten weeks unpaid annual personal time. 

PTO/Vacation leave.

Simplus: Unlimited.

EY: Upon hire, offer 33 days of combined PTO and sick leave. Also offer ten days of personal/family care leave.

Deloitte: Offers 30 to 35 days of PTO leave, which includes sick and vacation time.

KPMG: Based on tenure, offer a range of 20 to 30 days of PTO leave.

McKinsey & Co.: Offers 25 days combined PTO and sick leave.

Boston Consulting Group: Offers three weeks PTO with more based on tenure.

PwC: After one year, offer 15 days. After two years, offer 22 days.

Sick leave.

Simplus: Unlimited.

PwC: Unlimited.

Boston Consulting Group: Unlimited.

Deloitte: Offers 30 to 35 days of combined sick, PTO, and vacation leave.

EY: Upon hire, offer 33 days of combined PTO and sick leave. Also offer ten days of personal/family care leave.

KPMG: Based on tenure, offers 20 to 30 days of combined sick, PTO, and vacation leave.

McKinsey & Co.: Offers 25 days of combined PTO and sick leave.

When it comes to sick leave or personal time, the diverse options offered by these seven companies illustrates the gradual shift of companies to adopt more open leave policies. Companies like Simplus, who tout both unlimited sick and PTO leave, make up only about two percent of today’s companies who offer such benefits to employees, but who are making great strides toward positive work cultures and exploring innovative ways to redesign the workplace to better support work/life balance.


Jennifer Durrant, publisher of Sourced Media Books, is a writer, editor, and publicist with more than 20 years of experience in the book, magazine, and newspaper publishing industries. Her writing has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, Huffington Post and in daily newspapers throughout Utah and California.


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Monday, July 30, 2018

Going Beyond Facial Recognition – Why The Future Of Security And Possibilities Lie In Video Analytics

by Abhijit Shanbag, CEO of Graymatics

The possibilities of facial recognition have placed it at the forefront as both a security measure as a means of biometric identification, as well as a reliable means of gathering data for analytical purposes.

In a world with greater reliance and threats presented to our sensitive information and data, basing our security solely on a password isn’t enough. With 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) solutions introduced in a bid to bolster security efforts, we have moved from security tokens to OTPs sent to personal devices, and now towards biometrics.

There are two reasons leading to biometrics becoming a cornerstone of our security authentications – convenience, as the user will have everything they need on them to access their various accounts, and unique biometrics that enhance security.

Corporations and financial institutions have looked into various biometric options to be the cornerstone of their 2FA efforts. The biometric security landscape has also seen its transformation and adoptions.

The adoption of various biometric solutions as authentication methods are dictated by the technological capabilities available to the general population. An article by Forbes published in 2013 speculated the different biometric solutions that could be possible with smartphones. The options moved from voice recognition to fingerprint identification, and facial recognition.

Fast-forward to 2018 and we have experts surmising that 2FA scratches the surface and that MFA (Multifactor Authentication) should be the new standard. A more current article was re-examining the outlook on the effectiveness of biometric solutions since then, evaluating the effectiveness that biometrics play today has revealed a few key takeaways.

Unfortunately, the different forms of biometric identifications are far from foolproof. And that going with an MFA approach utilising a password, and multiple biometric identifications will give hackers more hoops to jump through, thus ensuring that breaking into such an account brings more risk for the reward, deterring the intruder.

Biometric solutions seek to get more robust by adding layers to better their accuracy. We do believe, however, that better security and reliable insights have to be garnered through behavioural analytics. And that rapidly evolving video technology will make video analytics integral to that approach.

For voice and fingerprint biometric identification, users typically have to approach the device to get verification. This places the onus on the user and functions as an active biometric solution. In the case of an active biometric solution, the user is aware, in a situation where a potential breach could occur, this gives the hacker the means to prepare.

The same goes for facial recognition, and there have been reports of 3D printed faces being able to spoof facial recognition systems. However, with video analytics, we are presented with some advantages.

Video analytics can be a passive biometric solution, helping capture different points of data of individuals, behaving naturally. The points of data can range from measuring the gait of an individual to easily track movements across places, identifying individuals through their ears which has been said to be more reliable than fingerprints, and spotting other patterns or irregularities that would draw suspicion.

The utility for video analytics goes beyond security, and can easily transcend into a powerful tool that can help us run our lives and cities more efficiently.

With improvements being made in the field of video analytics, the possibilities are endless. Advanced and smarter video analytics solutions will be the baseline which other new and exciting solutions will draw from, and where we will be able to keep ourselves safe and to understand and measure the world around us.


Abhijit Shanbag is the CEO of real-time multimedia analytics firm Graymatics. He previously cofounded Scintera, a fabless semiconductor company in 2001. A BS from IIT-Bombay and a PhD from University of Southern California, he has previously held key technical and management roles at Qualcomm, Ericsson, and Morphics. 


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4 Great Jobs That Don’t Require Experience

Congratulations, as a college graduate, it’s time to take that degree and put it to use in a lucrative job, right? College graduates spend hours applying for jobs only to be told they don’t have enough experience. This is a reality many college students face when making the transition from college to the workforce. How can recent graduates gain experience if no one is willing to take a chance?

To ease the frustration, we’ve compiled a list of four great jobs that don’t require experience, especially for recent graduates interested in entrepreneurship and business.

Independent Business Owner for Amway.

Becoming an independent business owner for Amway is a great opportunity for new graduates to dive into the world of entrepreneurship. Amway sells a variety of products ranging from nutrition, home care, and beauty. No matter what your educational background may be, Amway offers its independent business owners more than 80 free online courses in a wide range of languages to provide new owners with the knowledge needed to build a successful business. Once you are comfortable with selling, there is also the opportunity to grow your sales team. The products sold, level of performance and incentives to grow the business are all ways independent business owners can increase their revenue.

Freelance Writing.

As a freelance writer, the opportunities are endless. Businesses and organizations are always looking for skilled and talented writers who are willing to roll up their sleeves, research a topic, and let the words flow onto the paper. Depending on the company and its requirements, freelance writers must be able to effectively communicate a topic in a way that is easy for the audience to understand.

Although it isn’t going to bring in the most money, it is a great way to sharpen your skills while building a portfolio in addition to expressing your creativity. If you are knowledgeable in a specific subject area (i.e. technology, beauty, fashion, food), there are a plethora of companies and businesses looking for individuals who can quickly push out a few articles. In addition, starting out as a freelance writer can lead to different job opportunities in various industries such as marketing or newspapers.

Nursing Assistant.

Interested in pursuing a career in health care? If so, becoming a nursing assistant is a great way to gain experience as a recent graduate. While many of the responsibilities and job duties may seem elementary, nursing assistants play an important role in the medical field. From transporting patients to and from their rooms and setting up medical equipment, to evaluating and reporting a patient’s physical, mental and emotional condition, working as a nursing assistant is a great entry point for any graduate interested in furthering his or her career in the field of health care.

Applications Developer.

According to an article by Business Insider, an applications developer is the best job for recent college graduates interested in the field of information technology. For graduates with a general IT degree, the role of an applications developer allows IT-minded individuals to gain experience in building applications in a wide array of “popular environments like Windows, .NET, Linux and SQL.” The field of IT offers numerous specializations, including networking, software development, cybersecurity, and more. Having a wide range of skills will only prove more impressive should a recent graduate opt to try his or her hand at different IT specializations. This will simply open the door to greater opportunity in the future.

Don’t expect your first job out of college to be what you spend the next 10 or 20 years doing, but instead, look at it as an opportunity to gain experience and learn from others who can help you grow from a recent graduate with no experience to a full-fledged professional. Finding the right job without the necessary experience doesn’t have to be hard. All it takes is one job to help you get your foot in the door and before you know it, your resume will be attracting new and interested employers who are looking for qualified candidates.


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5 Things To Know About Estate Planning And Taxes

How will your assets and other possessions be handled when you pass? Can you be sure your financial and medical wishes will be followed if you are incapacitated? How do you save your heirs from excessive taxation?

Here are five things to know about estate planning and how to structure your final wishes.

What Is Probate?

To understand your estate planning options, it is critical to understand probate. Probate is a process followed by a court of law to settle a deceased person’s estate. While probate can be useful — for example, it allows the court to make the final decision about how to divide assets in a contentious estate — many try to avoid it. Why? Because probate can take years to finalize and can be expensive (up to 10% of the estate in some cases).

Create a Will.

A will is one of the most common forms of estate planning. A will does not keep an estate out of probate, but it provides a road map from the deceased on how they want their estate to be handled. The will names an executor, who will act on behalf of the deceased during the probate proceedings.

Include in the will all assets with a named beneficiary. Certain accounts, such as retirement plans, life insurance policies, checking accounts, savings accounts, and brokerage accounts, allow you to name a beneficiary who will receive the value of those assets after you pass. Beneficiaries do not need to go through probate.

Set Up a Revocable Living Trust.

For assets, such as a house or a car, that do not have beneficiaries named, consider setting up a revocable living trust. In a revocable living trust, the asset’s ownership transfers to the “trust,” and those who are named as beneficiaries are “trustees.” When the person who created the trust dies, the asset passes to the trustees. Revocable living trusts do not need to go through probate.

Set Up Power of Attorney.

There are two important Power of Attorneys (or POAs) to set up when creating your estate plans. The first, the financial POA, can make financial decisions for you if you are incapacitated. For example, a financial POA can pay your bills and manage your investments for you.

The second, the medical POA, represents your medical wishes. With a living will, you can direct your medical POA on your wishes in specific circumstances. Your financial and medical POAs represent your wishes, so choose them wisely.

Tax Burden in Estate Planning.

It is wise to consult with a tax attorney when creating an estate plan. Estates over $5.45 million will incur federal estate taxes. State tax thresholds differ by state. If your assets are that valuable, you will want to set up your estate to minimize your heirs’ tax burden. Working with a tax attorney will allow you to set up a plan that maximizes what you are able to pass to those you love.

Estate planning can be challenging, but working with a professional and recording your intentions helps those you leave behind. Using these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a plan that follows your wishes.


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Small Business Owners Guide To Company Research

Businesses have to work with other ones on a frequent basis. This is just a normal part of the business world. It’s basically inevitable. It doesn’t matter if you need to hire a digital marketing firm to handle your company’s upcoming campaign. It doesn’t matter if you need to recruit a professional cleaning company to provide your office space with regular janitorial services, either. You need to work with businesses that are reputable, respected, qualified and trusted. Building a strong business-to-business relationship is paramount in this day and age. If you’re a small business owner who wants to make smart decisions that won’t interfere with your ability to sleep at night, then you need to practice diligence at all times. You need to steer clear of making business choices that are rash or thoughtless in any way.

Research is imperative for small business owners who want to recruit companies for all sorts of purposes and applications, from merchant services for your website to basic supplies and services for your office. Your business is undoubtedly precious to you and to your staff members. It’s precious to your desired customer base as well. That’s why it deserves all of the time and effort in the world. Don’t leave your business in the care of companies that aren’t worth it. If you need to work with a cleaning company that can make your retail space look spick and span, then you need to cautiously explore any and all of your choices. Don’t be lazy and call the only cleaning business you know about in your area. Think about asking others for recommendations. If you have a friend who owns a dining establishment in your community, she may be able to provide you with cleaning business suggestions that you can fully trust.

It’s okay if you don’t have friends, relatives, neighbors or acquaintances to ask for recommendations. The internet can be a wonderful tool for small business owners who are trying to find companies for all sorts of needs. There are so many reviews on the internet that can accommodate people who are in the middle of trying to make tough and significant decisions. Reading online product reviews can help you decide which businesses may be particularly helpful to yours. Reading them can help you decide which ones to immediately erase from your list, too. Online assessments can help you reduce your potential costs. It can be extremely frustrating to spend money on businesses that just aren’t up to par in quality.

Small business owners need to do more than simply read reviews and get advice from other people. They need to reach out to businesses that interest them prior to making any choices. It’s critical to get in touch with company representatives who can answer your questions in detailed manners. You need to be able to get a feel for the professionals who represent businesses. It’s vital to ask yourself a number of relevant questions, too. Ask yourself if the company employees seem to care about your business and its path. Ask yourself if these people seem to understand your requirements as well. Answering these questions in many situations may be all that you have to do.

Lastly, it can also be intelligent to think about going with your gut feeling. Your instincts may be a lot more dependable than you think. If any business ever gives you a bad feeling for any reason, you should probably forget about it right away. If you have a bad feeling, there’s most likely a valid reason for it.


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5 Ways Businesses Can Avoid Becoming Ensnared In An Ethical Lapse

by Dr. Christopher Gilbert, senior consultant at NobleEdge Consulting and author of “There’s No Right Way to Do the Wrong Thing

Major brands such as Facebook, Volkswagen, Starbucks, and most recently Papa John’s have endured controversies that called into question their ethical practices.

Those companies are only the latest to be exposed for problems that consumers and those knowledgeable about corporate culture often link with a lack of ethical standards at the highest executive level. This can cause an erosion in the public’s trust, which in turn eats away at a company’s bottom line. Research by Mintel revealed 56 percent of U.S. consumers stop buying from companies they believe are unethical, and it also showed that more than 60 percent of consumers think ethical issues are becoming more important.

There’s an opportunity here for companies to get ahead of the curve by incorporating better ethics before damage control forces it upon them.

Controversies and scandals in corporations have the power to shift them from moral autopilot to an energized manual control, where they are acutely aware of their actions and their impact. But it doesn’t and shouldn’t require misfortune to switch things up.

As powerful public figures and corporate executives are switched to the truths of equality and justice, the costs of their unethical decision-making become crystal clear to everyone. The dominoes are still falling daily. But never doubt that a rising cry for equity and opportunity can change hearts and grow into a global mind shift.

Here are five steps for business leaders to help their companies avoid ethical problems and elevate ethical development.

1. Be your own guru.

A good leader asks questions of those he most trusts. In helping shape a stronger ethical foundation, how do they view the leader’s own views of right and wrong? Your decisions are yours, and every step up the moral ladder is yours. Make those choices wisely and while knowing every tier of your organization will be well-supported with a well-thought-out ethical foundation.

2. Practice “behindism.”

Leave the old “isms” behind. Your actions, justifications, rationalizations and explanations should always be worthy of the trust of others. Concentrate on the question, ‘Is this action going to create more trust with the others, or erode it?’.

3. Pass around your decoder ring.

Share your codes liberally. Let people know what you’re saying and what you mean. Be forthright, transparent. Hiding behind words or the true meaning of your words is part of an unethical action.

4. Trustworthiness is as trustworthiness does.

Transformation is a challenging process ensuring incredible and life-changing possibilities. The opportunities in building trust are limitless, so concentrate your actions around those that build up your trustworthiness.

5. Watch what you “eat.”

These are ethical acid tests, or EATs: Does your decision stand up to public scrutiny? What if it appeared on the cover of the local newspaper or was broadcast? Do you want your significant other, children, colleagues or bosses to do this same thing? Does this decision advance the long-term common good?

What you think about ethics becomes your ethics. If you believe ethics are grey, you will find yourself in greyer and greyer situations where the choices get blurrier. Where you see, know and act with the assurance that ethics are there to tell us right from wrong, you will be put into more and more situations where the answer is obvious – despite the complexity of the circumstances.


Dr. Christopher Gilbert, the author of “There’s No Right Way to Do the Wrong Thing“, is an international ethics consultant and senior consultant/speaker at NobleEdge Consulting. Having spent much of his career focused on the study of human moral development, Dr. Gilbert has over 30 years of experience in organizational development as a strategic facilitator and leadership and operations consultant.


from Young Upstarts https://ift.tt/2LOK8QI via website design phoenix

Paper-Based Business — 3 Types Of Books Consumers Don’t Like To Read Digitally

Bibliophiles wax lyrical about the tactile, sensory qualities of paper books and the most dedicated will never ditch paper for digital versions.

But in commercial terms, they seemed to be swimming against the stream after the Amazon Kindle was introduced in 2007 — bringing a portable library of millions of titles to customers worldwide.

However, Publishing Association stats show that sales of e-readers and ebooks slowed after 2014 and in 2017 the Guardian reported that sales of physical books were outperforming physical titles.

Competitive pricing partly accounts for this comeback — but some types of books are simply much more suited to paper.

Here are three types of books consumers don’t like to read digitally.

1. Children’s books.

A 2014 survey from Scholastic revealed that 68 per cent of kids would always want to buy paper children’s books — even if there were electronic versions available.

And in 2016, market researchers Nielsen BookScan reported 75 per cent of children favoured physical books, with 35 per cent actually refusing to read digital copies.

Parents who participated in the first survey believed kids enjoyed choosing a physical book from a bookseller and seemed to immerse themselves more deeply in the magic of reading when holding paper versions of the of the latest David Walliams or JK Rowling title in their hands.

Nielsen BookScan reported sales of £16.57 million worth of books for Walliams in 2017 and £15.47 for Rowling — so it looks like this genre will probably keep paper alive for years to come.

2. Cookery books.

Cookery books are another genre that perhaps doesn’t lend itself well to digital — photographs don’t look as appetising on phone screens and cookery websites sometimes don’t provide the type of deep dive into a cuisine’s cultural context that’s included in a physical title.

Paper books accounted for a significant slice of the one million diet book sales Joe Wicks enjoyed in the 18 months preceding January 2017, according to publisher Pan Macmillan.

There’s even a Cookbook Cafe in Dublin where customers enjoy themed nights preparing recipes from the books that line the venue’s shelves and purchase classic cookery books to take home at the end of the evening.

3. Academic books.

It wouldn’t seem unreasonable to presume that digital natives prefer reading ebooks to flicking through paper alternatives — but this seems to be misguided.

Worldwide research from American University’s linguistics professor Naomi Baron in 2013 revealed that 92 per cent of US college students preferred paper books — as did 95 per cent of German, and 77 per cent of Japanese students.

And a 2017 study by University of Maryland psychologists Patricia Alexander and Lauren Singer suggested that students learn better from traditional books than screens.

So the next generation of doctors might still find quality medical books are more accessible in paper format and the same possibly holds true for other academic disciplines.

So there are three types of books consumers don’t like to read digitally — if you’ve got an eye on making money in publishing, don’t put all your eggs in an electronic basket.

Do you prefer paper or digital books? Share your thoughts in the comments section.


from Young Upstarts https://ift.tt/2NT41Um via website design phoenix

[ADV] How To Get Your Passport Photos

Have you ever wanted to be like James Bond or Jason Bourne? A star in an international espionage film, traveling the world, wielding passports, speaking foreign languages, driving cars with steering wheels on the right side, and running from the bad guys?

Even if the whole international espionage thing isn’t really your scene, you have to admit that the allure of traveling the world is too great to resist. Whatever your desires for continent-hopping are, however, the first thing that you’ll need is your passport.

Getting Your Passport.

Getting your passport can seem a little bit complicated to the first-time applicant. There are pages upon pages of personal information that you’re required to fill out, you’ll need to find and gather all of your personal identification documents, meet with a passport agent, and present your official passport photos.

In reality, though, getting your passport isn’t half as hard as it seems. As long as you have your birth certificate, a valid driver’s license proving your residency, and your completed DS-11 form, all you need to do is take a couple of photos before you schedule an appointment with your local post office for your passport application.

Passport Photo Requirements.

When you go into your application, you’ll be required to have two passport photos. Here are the specifications as outlined by the US Government:

  • 2 x 2 inches
  • Taken recently, with current appearance
  • Identical photos
  • Full-face frontal view
  • Plain white background
  • Taken in normal clothing
  • No hats or headgear
  • Normal wig and/or glasses should be worn for the photo
  • No dark glasses

Granted, this is a bit of a long list, but it’s not that hard. Basically, they just want you to dress how you normally would while you’re walking down the street. No crazy glasses or hats, normal clothing, plain white background- simple, right?

Where To Get Passport Photos.

Now let’s talk about how to get your passport photos. You have plenty of options when it comes to passport photos. If you want high-quality, good-looking passport photos, then your best bet is to hire a professional photographer to take your photos for you or to use a . They’ll snap them on a pure white background, edit them, and you’ll be good to go.

Now if you don’t care as much about the quality of your photos, the easiest way to take them is to stop by your local drug store with a photo center. You can usually get your photos taken and printed out on the spot in under 10 minutes and for less than $20.

Can You Take Passport Photos At Home?

If you’re trying to save some money and a trip to the store, you can also take passport photo at home. Just make sure that you have a white wall with decent lighting, a high-quality camera, and a decent photo-editing software like this one passport-photo-software.com, so that you can crop the full-size photo down to the required 2 x 2-inch size.


Getting your passport doesn’t have to be hard. In reality, you can complete all of the steps that we’ve gone over in half a day. Once you have all of your materials ready, simply go to your local post office’s website and schedule an appointment for your passport application.

Within weeks, you’ll be ready to travel the world!


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Arshad Madhani Shares Three Things Every Young Entrepreneur Should Know

Arshad Madhani knew from a young age that his future was in marketing. As a kid, he used to create things and then try to convince friends and family to buy them. He didn’t realize that marketing was an actual job until he got older, but his heart was always in the field.

Today, Madhani leverages over a decade of experience as a digital marketing expert to provide valuable consulting services to a variety of entrepreneurs. He excels at both number-crunching and building personal relationships, ensuring that he can both develop and communicate an effective marketing strategy. (Check out this interview to learn more about Arshad).

Madhani shares three of his top tips for young entrepreneurs below:

1. Find A Reliable Mentor.

Every entrepreneur is bound to make mistakes, and there are some lessons that won’t truly sink in until you can learn it from your own personal experiences. However, you can reduce the number of mistakes you make while mitigating their impact if you find a reliable mentor at the beginning of your professional life.

The first benefit of a mentor is that you can learn directly from their experiences. For example, if one of their early ventures failed because they tried to grow too quickly, the story can serve as a cautionary tale that prevents you from making the same mistake.

An established mentor is also likely to have an extensive network in your industry that you can draw upon while building your own. Networking is an essential part of any small company’s success, and a mentor provides a jump start to the process.

Finally, your mentor can ultimately transition into the role of trusted friend and adviser. It will always be beneficial to bounce ideas off somebody else even after you’ve become established enough to mentor somebody else. This way, you can “pay it forward” while still benefiting yourself!

2. Keep It Simple.

Articulating the vision behind your company is an important part of entrepreneurship that often goes overlooked. You should be able to explain why your company exists in a sentence or two. Not only does this help you connect with like-minded consumers, it also ensures that every member of your team is working toward the same goal.

Keeping it simple can also prevent you from overreaching. It’s much better to do one thing well than multiple things poorly, as someone else is doing everything that you do better in the latter scenario. There’s no reason to jump into multiple industries, especially when you’re just starting out.

3. Stay Focused.

This tip dovetails nicely with the last one. Every successful company establishes its core competency first and uses it to build a name for itself in the marketplace. When the time comes to expand, new products and services are logical extensions off the initial idea.

For example, let’s say that a clothing company experienced success with branded T-shirts. When they grow, the new products should be branded hats, shorts, and other accessories that enhance the T-shirts they have become known for. They could also increase the variety of T-shirts they offer, such as a line for kids or a garment for colder weather.

Connect with Arshad.

If you’re interested in learning more about Arshad and his work, please follow him on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. You can also follow his blog (ArshadMadhani.com) for all his latest musings on a variety of topics!


from Young Upstarts https://ift.tt/2mQQjG1 via website design phoenix

Grammer Checker – Free Grammar Check Online Software

Everyone knows learning grammar rules and then implementing them is way too hard. Along with just being hard, it takes a lot of time to learn them and then use them to write perfect, error-free text. Even after these efforts you still have the chance to make errors such as grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes, etc. The IT experts have come up with an application that can ease this problem; it is the grammar checker.

Grammar Checker by DupliChecker.com is a free web-based tool which helps you to correct all your grammar mistakes in just seconds. Not only this, it highlights your errors and gives you suggestions through which you keep on learning. It works as an instructor for you as well. It is available across the globe, and it corrects the grammatical errors for more than 30 languages without any error in the performance. English has different dialects, and all of them have a slight difference of spellings which can confuse you. Don’t worry; this grammar checker gives you the option of changing the dialect as well. You can choose accordingly, and it will check.

The best thing about this grammar checker is that you don’t have to pay to use it, unlike other grammar checkers. Moreover, it provides you with all the features without forcing you to buy any premium version of the applications. You can put in as many wordy contents without hesitation; there is not any word limit on this tool. You can use it to check for unlimited words, and it will always give you 100% best results, regardless of how many times you use.

As mentioned earlier, it is a web-based tool so you will not have to worry about download time and device storage. It will not take any space in your device. You can open it up on any device you want to, but that must have internet. This grammar checker free online is a safe place for your documents. It doesn’t save any of your content anywhere or on any database. As soon as you are done checking your document, your data is deleted from the database. So, you don’t have to worry about your material getting stored or shared with others. You have all your privacy with this application.

Most of us proofread our material to check it before submitting. Don’t you think it takes a lot of your time? And you still end up having mistakes in your article. You have to check like again and again several times. That’s where a grammar checker can help you!

If you are having hundreds of documents piled up and not getting enough time to review them and check their grammar. There is no need to worry and start using grammar checker. It will help you check writings in different languages. It is a reliable application, and you can also use it, the way I use it every time I’ve to check my content. Go ahead and make your life easier


from Young Upstarts https://ift.tt/2mRzcDX via website design phoenix

5 Tips For Turning Your Inventions Into Marketable Products 

by Nigel Parker, founder and CEO of RashEndZ Inc.

So you’ve got an idea you think might be the greatest invention since the hula hoop.  What do you do next?

Spend hundreds of hours developing your gizmo to make sure it works perfectly?

Not exactly. Before you waste time trying to perfect your invention, first spend time and money to find out if there is a market for it. Many people don’t thoroughly investigate the challenges of bringing the product to market before devoting endless hours to an invention that has no market appeal.

An invention without a market is worth the price of rocks. Why spend time and money developing something and getting all the kinks out of it if nobody wants to buy it?

The first thing any inventor must do, before even filing a patent, is to assess the marketplace extensively.  Once target market segments are clearly defined, the competitive analysis, the production analysis, and the sales approach can be defined in order to determine how best to patent the invention.

Here are some tips for inventors who are would-be entrepreneurs:

1. Find ideas where you work.

Many inventors find their inventions where they work by making an existing task or product easier or less expensive.

2. Create something that solves a problem.

Innovation is about problem solving.  Nice ideas that solve few people’s problems result in failed businesses. So focus on the problem being solved, protect your novel ideas with Intellectual property protection, research every aspect of the business’s landscape and build the business from the strategic level.  Only when that’s done should you move on to developing tactical plans.

3. Get to know the patent office.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will assist you when you need answers regarding patents, trademarks, copyrights, on anything you create that meets the office’s Intellectual Property guidelines.

4. Be prepared to fail.

Good inventions don’t usually happen the first time you try.  Be prepared to fail – a lot. But every failure brings you closer to success.

5. Be receptive to ideas outside your field of expertise.

I’m an engineer with more than 25 years experience in aerospace and other high-tech industries, and began working on my invention because of a request from a relative who is a nurse. My medical device had nothing to do with my background.

Inventors need to be steadfast in their approach, relentless in their pursuit of their dreams and flexible enough to change course should the market research show their product does not have enough market value.


Nigel Parker, founder and CEO of RashEndZ Inc., is a senior management and systems engineer professional with more than 25 years experience in aerospace, medical simulation and other high-tech industries. Parker is the inventor of REZair, a skin-aeration liner that can be inserted inside a diaper, incontinence garment or wound dressing, helping to keep the skin dry and speed healing.


from Young Upstarts https://ift.tt/2K7IiG5 via website design phoenix

From Idea To Startup – Starting A Profitable Business During College

Launching your very own business during college can be quite tricky, but making your own money and being completely independent of such a young age is something you can be very proud of. In order to manage to launch your own business, you have to come up with an idea that was not previously taken by someone else. Unicity and individualism are difficult to cultivate, but if you give yourself time and you get fully involved into the process, you will polish your dusty idea until it becomes a true diamond. The road to success is a bumpy one – it’s full of ups and downs that will lift you up and let you down in the most unexpected moments. Handling both college and the responsibilities that a business comes with can be exhausting if you don’t manage your time and resources correctly.

This article is meant to help you with that and demonstrate that transforming your idea into a startup is not impossible. You will learn more about how to make lots of money while still achieving good grades, how to expand your new business and take advantage of each opportunity that comes your way. The secret is keeping yourself motivated to obtain everything you dream of, and the final outcome will definitely exceed your current expectations. Give this journey a shot and your life might be changed in an instant.

The rules you should follow to launch your own business as a student.

The idea itself won’t turn into profit if you don’t work hard. Of course, the idea has to be well-thought beforehand in order to become something great, but your efforts represent the fuel of the whole action. Here are the conditions for starting a successful business at a young age:

  • Don’t pursue the idea just for the sake of money.

When you have an idea for a startup, it shouldn’t be oriented towards money-making. As long as your idea doesn’t come from passion, it might not work as well as you expected. Launching a business is all about seeing yourself working with pleasure each day. Your idea and the visualization of it should be your comfort during the dark times of being an entrepreneur. You are going to encounter days when you might think the business is not worth all the trouble and an idea coming from passion will be your motivator to keep going.

  • Keep it simple.

Big ideas are transformed in time, from small ones. You can’t simply come up with a big idea from the very beginning, so don’t try to complicate things too much. All great businesses were born with simple ideas that later became big. Your startup should be based on simple facts that you know will work for sure. Rely on that at first and worry about complications later.

  • Know your potential customers.

Are you thinking about a customer archetype that would be in need of what you are offering through your startup? Then focus on that entirely. Knowing the customers that might be interested in your services and products is the first step towards success. Consider your personal needs first and see if they apply to other people too. Your startup should be useful for a small sector of the society and highly appreciated by it. You’ll expand it in the future.

Personality traits to keep an eye on.

In order to be able to transform your idea into a real startup that involves responsibilities and tasks, you have to cultivate some traits. Considering that you’ll have to deal with college and exams too, the first trait you should consider is strength. Once you’re sure you are strong enough to face all the challenges, keep an eye on these too:

  • Positivity.

Thinking positive and believing that there is always a positive outcome will keep you going. If you embrace negative thoughts and think about the potential failure and disadvantages of owning a business each and every day, you’ll start to develop a fear of taking risks. Without taking risks, you won’t get anywhere. Focus your mind on the positive side of the story.

  • Honesty.

Being honest is a condition for becoming a good entrepreneur. Be honest with yourself first and don’t try to convince you of facts that cannot come true. Be honest with others so that you establish connections with people who can help you. Be honest with your employees to gain their loyalty from the start. This way, you will have a team that you can fully trust, regardless of what’s going to happen and what issues you encounter.

  • Communication.

Lack of communication is a big issue that you can avoid by simply learning how to speak your mind and how to listen to others. If you don’t share your ideas and learn how to receive feedback, you won’t be able to progress. Networking is very important for any entrepreneur and you should take advantage of the fact that you are still a student. Make yourself heard whenever you have the chance. In addition, a clear vision statement might attract investors and you can bring your business on the right path quicker than you expected.

Opportunities that you need to take advantage of.

Because you are still a student, you can take advantage of this position and get the free/reduced services. For instance, if you need a car for your business, you can opt for insurance plans for college students and pay less at the end of the month. Think smart and take the opportunities that are rightly yours. Get informed about the benefits you have as a college student and apply them when running your startup. Managing finances can be quite complicated while paying your college taxes too.

Until your business starts to become productive, try to reduce your spending as much as you can. If you respect all the tips you found in this article and consider it an opportunity to learn more about startups, you are already one step further to achieving your goals.


from Young Upstarts https://ift.tt/2M0IwjP via website design phoenix

Understanding What VPS Hosting Is And How It Runs

Have met some problems in running your website? Everyone who creates a website faces a whole range of problems, and one of the most difficult tasks is to choose between numerous offers. The budget for most beginners is very limited, so that they do not have many options. One of the most suitable is shared hosting. This is an ideal choice for sites that have not yet become popular, that is, with low attendance.

But if the load on the site can significantly grow in the near future, or a highly loaded project, for example, an e-commerce site, then this option is not the best. In such situations, VPS hosting is a virtual private server. For a slightly higher price you will get better functionality, security and a number of other advantages.

What is VPS?

In the case of VPS hosting, each website is hosted on a virtual private server that is located on a fairly powerful physical server. The physical system works on isolated virtual servers, all of them collaborate and affect each other. In other hand, the virtual ones works independently so when you your sites on a server (the physical one), they don’t affect each other. You, as the owner of VPS server, have all the resources used. That means you have a full control over all of your servers.

VPS Hosting.

VPS hosting is the bridge between virtual and dedicated hosting as it runs the site at more acceptable cost and the freedom of running the site independently. Unlike virtual hosting, where the resources are common, and your site can be influenced by the “neighbors”, here the picture is different. Each virtual partition is an isolated environment, and you have access to all the capabilities of a physical server, but at a much lower cost. There are tons of servers in the market but HostiServer is considered a very good one.

Shared Hosting
+ easy start, low cost
– Insufficient level of control and productivity

VPS Hosting
+ root access, secure environment
– a little more expensive than virtual hosting

Dedicated hosting
+ maximum control, good server performance
– high cost, needs qualified personnel

Why might I need to switch to VPS?

While traffic from the site is small, the budget will not be required to increase – it will quite well feel itself on virtual hosting. Along with the increase of traffic, most traditional hosting servers will no longer be able to run on the expected performance. One of the signs is the increased loading time of pages. Overloading can also lead to frequent inaccessibility of the site from outside (it regularly falls). If such symptoms appear, then virtual hosting for good robots of your site is not enough.

The hosters commonly notify that their clients’ site has run out of the available sources. When they notify, this is time for the clients to switch to VPS server, especially if the clients run some multimedia content.

Managing Sites on VPS.

You can manage all VPS services using a user-friendly interface – the control panel: Plesk, cPanel or another web console. Sometimes hosters offer their tools. You may need a unique set of services that allow you to simultaneously configure and administer the operation of the web server, domains, mail, databases and user access control. As said above, HostiServer is a good one (for us) and if you want to deal with it, you can buy HostiServer VPS online in no time.

Hopefully what has been described above can inspire you. Be wise in choosing your server!


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